59 Tips on personal finance
- Always make sure you know how much money is there in your bank.
- Distinguish between needs and wants and learn to prioritize your needs.
- In order to control your finance first understand where you are.
- Stick to a frugal budget - Eliminate stuff that you can do without./li>.
- You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong.
- We can tell our values by looking at our check book stubs.
- Practice thriftiness before preaching...know more.
- Prioritize expenses to tackle your personal budgeting problems.
- Opting for online documents can help you monitor your accounts regularly as well as save environment.
- Pay yourself first.
- Always read the "fine print" section of the contract minutely.
- Always borrow money from a pessimist; he doesn't expect to be paid back.
- Try to make your home appliances last longer so that you can avoid buying big-ticket items frequently.
- Use cash to purchase things instead of swapping your credit cards unnecessarily every time.
- Once you get an accurate picture of your personal finances, you should figure out your short and long term goals.
- Do not use too many credit cards.
- Build an emergency cushion on which you can fall back as the credit downgrade will push up the interest rates on loans.
- Visit multiple stores to get the best deals.
- Live within your budget so that you can manage your expenses and save a considerable amount.
- Check out any leakage that may have been caused within your car pipes.
- Understand the importance of money and spend it only when needed.
- Get paid what you're worth and spend less than you earn.
- Learn self control to establish solid financial footing.
- It is not necessary to have common financial goals in a marital relation, but both should work together to achieve them.
- Making payments on time can save you from a major financial crisis.
- Know where your money goes.
- Use smart meters to monitor your electricity usage.
- Get help of unemployment benefits when you are unemployed.
- Use an online spreadsheet to plan a suitable budget.
- Take full advantage of Thanksgiving sale! Buy items at a relatively cheaper price!
- Update your will.
- Try to use the Internet to the optimum, when using an unlimited plan.
- Get advice from trusted sources to decide which loan option will be best suited for you.
- Avoid financial blues by increasing the flow of your income.
- Do Christmas shopping year-round.
- Book a hotel room with a kitchen.
- Make extra money this holiday to stay within your budget.
- Don't see a budget as being about what you can't have, but instead, working out what you can afford.
- When you receive a windfall - a raise or a tax refund, you should contribute it towards the retirement savings accounts.
- Be aware of your bank balance and avoid over draft fees.
- Avoid buying a new car when you have one already.
- Grow your own food.
- Procrastination is the enemy of your financial success.
- Make your own Christmas cards, not only will it add a personal touch, it will also help you to save money.
- Ignore all offers that sound t?? good to be true.
- Before you buy something new, sell something old.
- A little risk is good, too much risk is foolishness.
- Prevention is better than cure even in personal finance.
- Take advantage of federal student aid to lower your child's education cost.
- Have regular "financial" family meetings.
- If you have dependents, get disability/life insurance, a will and an estate plan!
- Practice the habit of buying things in bulk so as to manage money efficiently.
- Keep distance from lavish and high-roller friends.
- Before getting married, open your communications regarding money.
- Learn self control.
- Be up front with your children regarding your financial situation when you’re a single parent.
- Take advantage of alternative work schedules such as flextime and telecommuting when you’re a single parent.
- Pursue tax breaks and qualify for the child-care tax credit as a working parent.
- Take advantage of financial grants available to a single parent.